My Reading Haven

This is my safe place. It’s the most Californian-in-Tennessee thing I do. My days are split between reading and writing at this phase of my grad work and it really helps my brain to differentiate between ideas and tasks when I am in different environments for those activities. Once a week, I take my reading and memo-ing to a little spot off Percy Priest Lake. I set up my giant towel on the sand, chair in the water, and bust out my stack of papers and highlighters alongside some snacks and bevies. It’s a safe haven. Looking at the water keeps me calm. Putting my feet in the water keeps me cool. Having my papers binder clipped keeps them collected.


My beach boy is learning not to fear the water. He does better when there’s someone with him in the waves and when it’s not a cliff edge like a pool. We know he loves the beach so I’m hoping to convert him to the harsh realities of settling for a lake. We can all dream, can’t we?

Serious offer: if you’re in the Nashville area and you want to do some reading and lake hanging with me, let me know! I’d love to have a buddy.



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Tennessee Summer Treats